The Real Underwater Paradise in Wakatobi Island

Wakatobi National Park, is one of 50 parks nasoinal in Indonesia, located in the district of Wakatobi - Southeast Sulawesi. National parks total area of 1.39 million ha, concerning marine biodiversity, scale and condition of coral placed the highest priority on marine conservation in Indonesia. The depth of water in the park is varied, reaching the deepest part 1 Kilo meters below sea level, Wakatobi National Park is currently a research center of the underwater world.

Sea, beach Wakatobi

  Wakatobi National Park consists of four major islands, namely: Wangi-wangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko who are in Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi.

Coral reefs can be found hundreds of types of dozens of families were located along hundreds of kilometers of coastline. In some places along the reef, there are some underwater caves.
It has nearly one hundred species of colorful fish. king prawns Eurasia and several species of sea turtles lay their eggs on the beach frequently.
Various types of sea birds perched on the reef such as: goose-stone brown and wither kettle fly out to sea to hunt fish.

To the location of Wakatobi National Park, preferably through Bau-bau, then to Lasalimu using four-wheeled vehicle with a travel time of about two hours. further to Wangi-wangi - Wanci (Capital Wakatobi) journey taken by boat takes about an hour away.
Wangi-wangi This is the gate of Wakatobi National Park.
To Kaledupa, of Wangi Wangi, headed by a ship Kaledupa Phinisi.
To Hoga, from Kaledupa crossed into Hoga travel about 30 minutes
Tomia Island, from Kaledupa to Tomia journey about 3 hours.
Binongko Island, from Island to Island Tomia Binongko. with a fast boat about 1 hour.

Wangi-wangi Island
Found some resorts that specifically rent some facilities for diving. This island is the gateway to the Wakatobi National Park. In Wangi-wangi, Matahora Airport to be built.
Wangi Wangi known as a supplier of used imported goods worth skewed, there is also a mosque Liya at Wangi-wangi. The oldest mosque after mosque Sultan Buton Buton Island. The location of this mosque on the hill, near Fort Liya Togo. Not far away from the castle, there is the tomb of Talo-Talo, small king, part of the Sultanate of Buton. Talo-Talo in the local language means "Stud"
A traditional ritual activities Posepa held every Eid, a kind of mass brawl that ended with air mutual Greetings

Kaledupa Island

Kaledupa there Kaledupa Reef, coral table (table-shaped rock) measuring 2-3 meters

Hoga Island
Hoga is one of the favorite places of professional divers, and in the month of June to August are very many visitors, especially students from Europe and America are researching marine. There are about 200 modest lodgings, stilt houses of wood, spread over most of the islandVery beautiful white sandy beaches accompanied with waving palm trees and very cleanFrom the top of the pier looks scenery under the clear sea, fish look colorful and play in the gap of the reefs.

A dive site located between Hoga and KaledupaDive to a depth of 20 meters using a wet suit (wet suit), flippers (fin), masks, and oxygen tubing, or just snorkel goggles with hose ran up to dive into the seaLooks heaven "underwater. Colorful corals gather here and there. Clown anemone fish or fish play on the sidelines of the soft coral anemone their own homes.

Besides Hoga Channel, there are approximately 20 dive sites scattered in Wakatobi. Pinnacle site, near Hoga Island. Kaledupa there Kaledupa Reef, coral table (table-shaped rock) measuring 2-3 meters and there Tomia Island Reef Let Drunk. and each of these sites has the uniqueness of each.

coral structures is most beautiful , coral mountainous, as the name suggests, Pinnacle or "peak". This location is also a typical barracuda fish habitat. Fish oval like bullets and can slide very quickly, barracuda fish life clustered. also found pygmy, sea horses are very small.

Tomia Island
In addition to snorkeling in Tomia. We can walk to Fort Patua. Some remnant of ancient cannons still attached, Jomba Katepi a small hole deep wells more than 100 meters, is said to throw those in prison.

Binongko Island Binongko island where people's lives blacksmith.
Binongko waters can also find a number of dolphins that frequent hand in hand across the sea motors.

So, Come here to looks amazing reefs and corals soon!!

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