Mount Bromo, Beautiful Mount in Indonesia.

Mount Bromo is located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park has an altitude of 2392 m above sea level with an area of 5250 hectares of sea sand. To reach the summit crater of Mount Bromo or travelers can use a horse and climb Mount Bromo via stairs and see the sun rise. Charm charming sun rising and setting of the time will be a profound experience when viewing them directly.

Mount Bromo volcano is still active and is famous as a tourist icon in Probolinggo. Derived from the word Brahma which is one of the Hindu gods. The mountain is not as big as other volcanoes in Indonesia but has a stunning and dramatic scenery. Exceptional beauty make tourists who visit will be amazed.

From the summit of Mount Penanjakan at an altitude of 2,770 m, tourists can see the sunrise Mount Bromo. The scenery is amazing so many tourists that capture the moment that can not be obtained elsewhere. Currently incredible sunrise where visitors will see the foreground of Mount Semeru smoke from a distance and the sun shining brightly up into the sky.

People here do Kasada or Kasodo Yadnya festival once a year by offering vegetables, chicken, and the money thrown into the crater of the volcano to be offered to the gods. as a manifestation of gratitude to the almighty

History of Mount Bromo

History of Mount Bromo is said in ancient times when the kingdom of Majapahit under attack from various regions natives confusion to find a place to stay until they eventually separated into two parts the first to go to Bali, the second to Mount Bromo. The second place until now have two common is the same - the same Hindu religious beliefs.

The name comes from the legend of the Tengger Roro Anteng also Joko Seger is believed to be the origin of the Tengger name. "Teng" Roro An-name suffix "teng" and "ger" Joko name suffix of a "ger" and Mount Bromo itself is believed to be a sacred mountain. They called it Mount Brahma. Javanese and then call it Mount Bromo.dan thus origin - origin of the legend of Mount Bromo.

At Mount Bromo Travel Destinations

  • The crater of Mount Bromo
The crater of Mount BromoUntuk reach the crater of Mount Bromo Travel site, from parking Jeep visitors can use the services of rent a horse or walk about 1.5 miles up the stairs, amounting to about 250 s. The path through sand and will pass through the Holy Temple Tengger tribe which is usually used for a celebration or ceremony Yatya Kasada Kasodo, supposedly derived from the crater of Bromo Tengger volcanic eruption. With the center line of ± 800 meters (north-south) and ± 600 meters (east-west). While the danger area of a circle with a radius of 4 km from the center of the crater of Bromo.

  • Hill Teletubies
Meant as Bukit Teletubies Mount Bromo The real her is savanna surrounded by a row of hills. A treat incredibly perfect, be recognized Mount Bromo has a natural charm that is very complete, ranging from beautiful views of the sunrise, a row of magnificent crater bromo, deserts and oceans last savanna grass in it.

  • Pananjakan Mount Bromo
A location that is used as the view point to see the beautiful sunrise, to reach Mount Penanjakan travelers should use a jeep to rent a jeep in bromo. Departure to the peak of Mount Bromo Pananjakan should be is in the early hours of the morning about three hours drive from the Inn at Mount Bromo, so do not miss the emergence of sunrise in the tourist area of Bromo.

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