Nungnung Waterfall, An Awesome Waterfall in Bali

Bali Waterfalls!

Have you visited the waterfalls when on holiday to Bali? Or maybe you do not know if there is waterfalls in Bali? Indeed, there are many tourists who knows if there are waterfalls in Bali. At most tourists only know Gitgit Waterfall is located not so far from the tourist area of Bedugul. Not many people know the existence of other waterfalls. Though Bali has many beautiful waterfalls scattered in various corners of the island. If we counted the numbers there are dozens. Most of waterfalls are located in the region of North Bali (Buleleng). With a hilly region and many mountains, making Buleleng has many waterfalls. However, waterfalls in Bali not only in Buleleng. There is also waterfalls in the other districts. Here are eight of the most beautiful waterfalls in Bali are worth your visit when on holiday to Bali. The seventh waterfalls lying scattered in various corners of Bali. Do not forget, prepare stamina when will visit various waterfalls following, because you will pass fairly challenging terrain and had to go up and down stairs.

*Actually, I will give you only one waterfall information on this post. The other waterfalls, will be posted in the next post.

4. Nungnung Waterfall

Nungnung Waterfall located in the village Nungnung , District Petang, Badung. The distance is about 45 kilometers from Denpasar or about 90 minutes drive. The trip to the waterfall is very fun because the road is pretty good with clear signs. You will pass many rice fields and plantations are green and refresh your eyes. Approaching the village Nungnung, the view is more beautiful and green. Even more cool air because Nungnung village located at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level.

Nungnung Waterfall high enough to discharge water that is large enough. To reach the waterfall you have to walk down the hundreds of stairs are very steep in some places. Previously, do not forget to buy tickets at Rp 3.000.00 per person. You have to be extra careful when going down the stairs are steep and slippery, because most of the steps are not equipped with handrails (handrail). Negligent little can be fatal. Distance waterfall from the parking lot is also quite far away so it is quite exhausting. However, you do not need to worry because in some places already built gazebo, to rest when you're tired of walking. For women, I recommend "DO NOT TO WEAR HIGH HEELS" when visiting  Nungnung Waterfall. Because you have to walk down the hundreds of stairs are steep and slippery.

Nungnung Waterfall. From a distance, already sounding roar of the waterfall. Initially, it seems a small waterfall on the river. Then, not far from the small waterfalls, seem Nungnung Waterfall high with large water discharge. This waterfall has a height of approximately 50 meters from the ground. Water discharge is quite large and the water flow is also quite fast. Especially if you come during the rainy season. Water discharge will be even greater. Nungnung Waterfall surrounded by green trees and beautiful. The air was too cool and pollution-free, so anyone would like to linger there.

Getting There
From Denpasar, point your vehicle towards Sangeh / Petang through Jalan Ahmad Yani. Niagara Nungnung is one way to Forest Sangeh famous Pala. From Forest Pala Sangeh, continue your journey towards evening / Pelaga to arrive in the village Nungnung. After seeing signposts to Nungnung Waterfall left the road (if you come from the direction of Denpasar), turn right as far as 600 meters, until arriving to the parking lot. Next you just walk to the waterfall.

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