Blemantung Waterfall, An Awesome Waterfall in Bali

Bali Waterfalls!

Have you visited the waterfalls when on holiday to Bali? Or maybe you do not know if there is waterfalls in Bali? Indeed, there are many tourists who knows if there are waterfalls in Bali. At most tourists only know Gitgit Waterfall is located not so far from the tourist area of Bedugul. Not many people know the existence of other waterfalls. Though Bali has many beautiful waterfalls scattered in various corners of the island. If we counted the numbers there are dozens. Most of waterfalls are located in the region of North Bali (Buleleng). With a hilly region and many mountains, making Buleleng has many waterfalls. However, waterfalls in Bali not only in Buleleng. There is also waterfalls in the other districts. Here are eight of the most beautiful waterfalls in Bali are worth your visit when on holiday to Bali. The seventh waterfalls lying scattered in various corners of Bali. Do not forget, prepare stamina when will visit various waterfalls following, because you will pass fairly challenging terrain and had to go up and down stairs.

*Actually, I will give you only one waterfall information on this post. The other waterfalls, will be posted in the next post.

3. Blemantung Waterfall

Blemantung Waterfall located in the village Pujungan, District Pupuan, Tabanan. The distance is about 70 km from Denpasar or about two hours' drive. Access road to Niagara Blemantung pretty good. The trip to the waterfall is very refreshing your eyes because along the way (especially after passing the fork Antosari village, Tabanan), your eyes will be spoiled scenery green terraced rice fields and beautiful. Tabanan is the largest rice production centers in Bali so beautiful terraced rice easily be found in various corners of the district.

Blemantung Waterfall lying hidden between high cliffs. From the main highway Pujungan village located about 1500 meters. The entrance to the waterfall is quite unique. Approximately 1 km, a dirt road, with cement paving on the right and left (for car wheels). Furthermore, the road turned into a dirt road rocky, muddy in the rainy season. After passing the uphill bridge (oblique), the road turned into an uphill footpath  in the coffee plantations. Strenuous enough indeed. But you get the scenery is worth the battle. Waterfall that falls from a height of about 50 meters will welcome you. The water is clear and fresh with a small pond at the bottom very tempting anyone to bathe there. Moreover, this waterfall is located completely hidden in the middle of a coffee plantation away from township residents. The atmosphere around Blemantung Waterfall still completely natural. There is no any building around the waterfall and gazebo temple besides his condition is alarming. So, you can play freely without fear disturbed other visitors.

Actually there are three waterfalls in Blemantung Waterfall. First Waterfall (higher), located near an a temple, with a height of about 50 meters. 

Second Waterfall, smaller, located under the first waterfall, and a distance of about 200 meters apart. To reach the second waterfall, you must follow the river down. However, you do not get to see the falls from the front / bottom. You only get to see the falls from the top because there is no access road to get there.

Third Waterfall, somewhat different from the access road to the second waterfall. When to go to the waterfall before you have to turn left to follow the sloping bridge, to get to the third waterfall you have to walk straight (do not cross the bridge) a few meters from the bridge. Next you turn left, down a path beside a creek (canal) to arrive at the Dam Irrigation Sabha Hulu. Waterfall third is across the dam. Unfortunately, this waterfall is covered with trees and bushes overgrown, so it can not be seen everything. When visible all, the waterfall is not less beautiful than the first waterfall.

Getting There
From Denpasar navigate your vehicle towards Tabanan / Gilimanuk. Just follow Highway Denpasar - Gilimanuk to arrive at the T-junction Antosari village. Of the T-junction, turn right, and continue to follow the path until Pujungan village (about 27 km from Antosari). Once you arrive at a T-junction in the village Pujungan (no signpost to Blemantung Waterfall on the right road), turn right. Follow the dirt road is not paved until approximately as far as 1400 meters, until you arrive near a bridge climb. Park the motorcycle you there. From the bridge, you have to walk as far as 400 meters, through the path that ascends in the coffee plantations. When you bring a four-wheeled vehicle, you can not bring it up near the bridge but had to park it in front of people's houses and continue the journey on foot.

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