Trip to Lake Singkarak ( Tour de Singkarak )

Lake of crystal clear water, sampan fishermen scattered on the surface of the Lake in search of fish, plus the Green scenery around the Lake. Yes, this is the kind of view that you would find in Lake Singkarak, West Sumatra. This Lake is about 70 miles from Padang, capital of West Sumatra.

Sprawling Lake Singkarak and administratively into two districts in West Sumatra, namely Solok and Tanah Datar. With an area of approximately 1,000 hectares, the Lake became the second widest in the plains of Sumatra after Lake Toba. The Lake with a depth of 268 meters and 363,5 meters of altitude above sea level is included in a kind of tectonic lakes because the predicted shift of the Earth's plates since formed.

Despite the widespread, but not as many kinds of fish living in the waters of Lake Singkarak. There are only 19 species of fish are recorded live in the Lake. This is possible due to the limited number of plankton that became fish food in General. Plankton is difficult to live here because of the level of depth that makes the Lake sunlight can not penetrate the bottom of the Lake.

Because of its beauty, the Lake Singkarak became a bustling tourist spot datu visited local people and also from out of town. The beauty of these sights were first widely recognized in 1905 through the journal of biology belongs to Ernst Haeckel, a researcher from Germany. Not only examine the ecosystem surrounding Lake Singkarak, Haeckel also was amazed at the beauty of the Lake, making it encapsulates the beauty of Lake Singkarak in a painting.

There are many activities that you can do to enjoy Lake Singkarak. You can swim in the crystal clear waters of its lagoon, boarded the sampan around the Lake, fishing on the shores of the lake or take a fisherman caught the fish. Don't forget to bring your camera to capture the beauty of these sights. Lake area with a green backdrop of the Bukit Barisan away too bad to miss. will form because the shifting plates of the Earth.

Despite the widespread, but not as many kinds of fish living in the waters of Lake Singkarak. There are only 19 species of fish are recorded live in the Lake. This is possible due to the limited number of plankton that became fish food in General. Plankton is difficult to live here because of the level of depth that makes the Lake sunlight can not penetrate the bottom of the Lake.

In addition to these activities, you can also do a culinary tour in the stalls that exist around these sights. If eating at the stall less satisfying, try fishing or catching fish and burn it at the edge of the Lake with friends. This could be a pleasant experience.

What draws from Lake Singkarak?

As the pride of the citizens of West Sumatra Lake and nature tourism the mainstay, Lake singkarak has some unique things that are interesting for you to know, including:

Tour de Singkarak

Lake Singkarak become part of Tour de Singkarak, an event of international level bicycle race which is regularly held every year. Tour de Singkarak is supported by the Ministry of tourism and the Creative Economy and the Amaury Sport Organisation, the organizers of similar events in France, the Tour de France.

Tour de Singkarak first held in 2009. Furthermore, the time of its taking place during the week between April-June with a seven-stage that must be passed by the participants. Tour de Singkarak is not just simply a race bicycle racing on the highway, but also the introduction of culture and natural beauty of West Sumatra. Along the route to be traveled, participants will be treated to a view of cultural diversity and natural beauty of the Minangkabau of West Sumatra.

Initially, Tour de Singkarak starts from the starting line in Padang city and ended near Lake Singkarak. Then starting in 2012, the starting line starts from Sawahlunto, a historic old town in West Sumatra and ends in the city of Padang. Despite no longer being the location of the finish line, but Lake Singkarak still remain part of Tour de Singkarak Lake Maninjau and along with some other interesting tourist attractions.

Fish bilih

Recorded about 19 species of fish living in the waters of Lake Singkarak in this time. One of these types of fish are fish bilih (Mystacoleucus padangensis). Fish bilih to be special because it can only live in this Lake only. Many have tried but we are expanding this fish out of Lake Singkarak, but always failed because the bilih fish always die.

Fish bilih is normally the maximum length is too small, only about 10 cm long with a shimmering silver-colored scales. Of the 19 species of fish bilih fish that exists, this is what the number is estimated to be at most in the waters of the Lake. Fish bilih a source of economy around. Fishermen catch and sell it to the stalls. This is the most delicious fish if fried and dicocol sauce.

In addition to the sale at the stalls, fried bilih dry fish are also available on-site sales of gift shop about these sights. The fish is packed in the plastic range of sizes and you can make the gift shop of typical Lake Singkarak.

Long Lake Singkarak is increased from time to time

Because it belongs to the category of tectonic Lake Singkarak Lake size, can still be changed following the shifting of the Earth's plates. According to the results of research experts, long Lake was originally just 3 miles away, later increased to 8 km, 13 km, and is now about 23 km Long Lake. it is estimated that it will still continue to grow.

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