Malioboro Street in Yogyakarta

When was the last time you to Yogyakarta? Yogyakarta became a city able to make tourists miss him and always want to linger in this Gudeg city atmosphere. The town still offers the wisdom of local culture in the middle ages that modern all-round. In Yogyakarta, you will get an exciting experience explore the Javanese culture that is still maintained until now.

Many interesting sights of the city owned the Sultan, one of which is a very popular course Malioboro Street. The road along the 2.5 km which stretches from Tugu to the Yogyakarta post office was never lonely travelers each day. Jalan Malioboro is located near the Royal Palace and called one of the imaginary line that connects the dots between Parangtritis, Yogyakarta Palace and Mount Merapi.

Who would have thought if this is merely the way streets were deserted with a lot of acid in the edges. Malioboro Street were only passed by the citizens who want to go to the Palace, Fort Vredeburg or to market Beringhardjo.

Origin of the name Malioboro also has two versions. First, the name is taken from the Sanskrit, meaning ' wreath '. This is because all the way first met by wreath each time the Palace hosts a celebration or event. The second version says that the name of the street is taken from the United Kingdom, Duke of Marlborough, who lives in Yogyakarta between the years 1881-1816.

Regardless of where the name originated, Malioboro Street in Yogyakarta most popular this has always managed to attract the attention of tourists coming to the city. Malioboro Street into a sort of Gift Centre typical of Yogyakarta. Along the way, you can find a range of typical souvenirs ranging from t-shirts, batik, blangkon, slippers, hand crafted to our pin and put a typical hawker Yogyakarta.

For culinary, tourism in place, there is a row of street vendors who offer simple but scrumptious dishes. Don't forget to sample the warm rice has become a culinary must try in Yogyakarta. For a drink, enjoy a sense of offering es dawet legit brown sugar flavor is thick and savory coconut milk. While enjoying your meal, a group of street musicians would come in successive by singing the songs that made you fall in love in Yogyakarta.

Along the way there are rows of pedicabs and a faithful horse waited for customers. It's time You wander around Jalan Malioboro and jogjakarta mode of transportation. Pedicabs offer packages around the sights around with affordability. A horse can also make the choice if You want to feel a unique experience around Yogyakarta.

During his time in Jalan Malioboro, you are almost always able to listen to the strains of a Javanese gamelan played from tape or played directly by the artist the streets of Yogyakarta. Not only during the day, these sights were crowded in the evenings. The sitting culture and angkringan has always existed in this beautiful city.

Until now, the Malioboro Street is still an important part of the Palace. This road has always been the location of the procession every time the Royal family held a certain events and celebrations.

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