Pandawa Beach in Bali

Pandawa beach is a place that is right for You is less fond of the crowds during the holidays. Attractions in Bali is relatively new and still not as many as the beach of Kuta, Legian and Seminyak Beach.

Tourism was once referred to by the name of Secret Beach due to its location behind a high limestone cliff, so not many people are aware of its existence. Now, local governments have opened up access to make their way along a 1.5 km split limestone cliff.

This tourist place names derived from the presence of five statues of the Pandawa, a legend in Hinduism, which overlooks the beach. In the limestone Cliff made holes for placing fifth statue of Pandawa, yudhisthira, consisting of Bhima, Arjuna and the twins Nakula-Sahadeva.

Tourist attractions are also called Beach Kutuh has a beauty that is not less than other beaches in Bali. The white sand and turquoise water make anyone happy to linger to enjoy it by sitting on a row of chairs on the beach.

If the Kuta Beach is known for its views of the setting sun, the beaches of this East-facing Sunrise views are unreliable. Not rarely, from here you can see tourists doing paragliding from Timbis Hill, flew past on the beach.

Each year, the Pandawa made Beach locations for the Malesti ceremony is a ceremony in commemoration of the feast of the wedding. The ceremony aims to cleanse the self Malesti of every mistake and bad deeds done in the past. In addition, in the area of the beach there is also seaweed aquaculture activities conducted by local fishermen.

To be able to enjoy all the beauty of this beach, you only need to pay a 2,000 Rupiah to 5,000 Rupiah and INDONESIAN CITIZEN to a FOREIGN NATIONAL. Cheap as hell, isn't it?

What can be done on the beaches of the Pandawa?

Here are some interesting things you can do on the beaches of Pandawa:

Hunting photos

The beauty of the coast of Pandawa makes anyone want to mengabadikannya in a photo frame. The white sand and blue water contrasting views and kehijauannya to be beautiful. If you want to take a photo with a different angle, try to rise to the top of the cliffs and snap pictures of these sights.

Because of its beauty, the beaches of Pandawa also often served as a location for filming and prawedding photos for commercial purposes such as advertising and also movies.

Sunbathing and massaged

This is available at the beach recliner equipped umbrellas you can rent sunbeds. Prepare your reading material, a quiet beach atmosphere is perfect if you enjoy your favorite book while reading. While sunbathing and reading, you can also call the masseur who travelled around the coast.


Waves on the coast of the Pandawa is ideal for surfing. According to local people, exposure to the presence of these beaches also could not be separated from the few tourists who often bring surf boards before walking towards the beach. Many are curious why they passed the cliff carrying surfboards. That's when the existence of this beach is known to many people until now.


If not satisfied to enjoy the beauty of this beach from the top of white sand, you can sail to the sea. A rowboat are available for rent at a price of 15,000 Dollars for your use along the crystal clear water of the sea here. Don't forget to rent the dress pelampungnya also with the price of 10,000 Dollars for the sake of Your safety and security.

Study of cultivating seaweed

Late afternoon, many of the fishermen who come picking up seaweed that is stranded because of washed away by the waves. In the area of the beach is indeed there is seaweed cultivation by local fishermen. In addition to taking the dead seaweed and are carried by the waves to the shore, the fishermen also did the cultivation of seaweed to keep sustainability of nature on the coast of the Pandawa.

If in Kuta Beach you can join in the activities of the release of dive into the sea, here you can join in the effort of planting seaweed with the fishermen. Even though it was on vacation, but efforts to keep the environment certainly still required, Yes.

Food and souvenir hunting

Although relatively new tourist attractions, but its facilities on the beach complete enough of the Pandawa. Here, there is a row of food stalls and kiosks selling various souvenirs typical of the coast.

Don't forget to sample a variety of processed sea food that can satisfy your tongue and your stomach. For the gift shop, you can buy it in the gift kiosk around the beach. Various trinkets and accessories you can find here, starting from the key chain of shells, sand beach decorated photo frame until the bracelet and necklace with carved wooden Balinese.

Transportation and accommodation

The beach is located in the village of Pandawa Kutuh, district South of lice, Badung. This tourist spot is about 18 km from Ngurah Rai International Airport, but unfortunately there is no public transportation that pass through this location. The most practical way is to use private transportation, taxi or by hiring a car/motorcycle.

For accommodations, the nearest lodging is in the area of Nusa Dua which is about 3 km from the place of this tour.

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