The Best Tourist Attractions in Makassar

The city of Makassar in South Sulawesi is one of the city's biggest development in Indonesia has. Not only that, it also has a wide variety of excellent cuisine such as ijo Banana Ice. In addition to its culinary delicacies, turns out in this city also save lots of natural beauty can be enjoyed. You can pay a visit to Makassar city to travel to a variety of natural attractions that exist in the city.

The city is the capital of South Sulawesi province has several tribes in it such as the Bugis, makassarese, torajans, and more. With the diversity of tribes and also the beauty of its natural attractions, then reasonable only if Tourism is often visited by the Makassar tourists. On this occasion, I will give you some of the sights in the city of Makassar, for the record, Yes please.

Sights Of Makassar

1. Bantimurung

This National Park is often called TODO butterflies. There are 250 recorded species of butterflies in the Park. Bantimurung was first discovered by Alfred Wallace Rusel. He was an original United Kingdom botanist, Alfred feel amazed with so many butterflies in the Park. In addition to the butterfly, there is also available a wide range of exciting games such as flying fox, swimming pools, and also you can explore caves in the Park. The price of admission to Bantimurung cheap enough that only Rp 20,000

2. Hot Springs of Lejja

Other sights in Makassar that hot springs are located in the Regency of Soppeng. The baths are located in the forest area protected by the very cool air. In this place there are 5 swimming pools of hot water with a level of depth and temperature are different in each kolamnya. The ticket price is very cheap, for adults only charged Rp 5,000, while for adult subject to Rp 3,500. With tickets as cheap as it is, you can already feel the treatment baths in this place.

3. Losari Beach, Icon Of Makassar Attractions

Don't tell me never to Makassar if not visit the beach Losari. Uniquely from this beach does not have a sand asphalt concrete but only those who were around him. However, although there is no sand, you can enjoy a variety of water rides such as banana boat, and surrounds the sea with a sailboat. Arguably if Losari Beach is one of the iconic sights in indonesia in Makassar.

4. Marine Parks, tour the TakaBonerate Makassar Under the sea

The marine park is located in the Selayar, more precisely in the town fortress. This marine park is her favorite spot divers, this is because Taka Bonerate Marine Park has a beautiful underwater is very beautiful. There are many types of fish species and other marine habitats in this marine park. If you can't, you can snorkel diving course on the beach is not too deep.

5. Trans Studio Makassar

This popular tour in Makassar, Trans Studio Makassar is commonly called TSM. This tour has an area of 20000 square meters. The Park was established on 9 september 2009, trans studio is a project of the Trans studio World that includes Trans & Rodeo Drive Walk. TRANS studio makassar makassar tour is having several rides 22 Lost City, Island Tsunami, Cartoon City and others. There are also other games like the arena its cargo, Cruise and another world, etc. Or Universal studio and disneyland from Singapore and the United States. One of the unique attractions of "another world". Don't try it if you don't already have a strong guts.

6. Fort Rotterdam

Not far from the beach Losari there is Fort rotterdam, one of the sights that should not be missed.Once the Fort is named Fort Rotterdam Ujung pandang and now called Fort Rotterdam. This castle has a form resembling a turtle who is ready to mencebur into the sea. It describes the history of South Sulawesi and Ujung Pandang

7. Al Markaz Al Islam

This mosque is one of the grandest mosques in Indonesia, and the largest in the eastern part of the archipelago. Located in the city centre, the mosque has an area of about 10 hectares. Its architecture combines the values of local culture, Islamic culture and modern design which together reflect the pride and identity of the current population of Makassar.

Our information about the many attractions of makassar in South sulawesi, may be useful.

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