Curug Cimahi Waterfall

Curug Cimahi as nature tourism can also be an alternative to busting saturation. Curug Cimahi is already located in the North of Cimahi. We can use the vehicle to head for the sights. And you can rent a minibus or vehicles that could be used to you guys you guys make the transportation to go to these sights.

However, but make no mistake, despite having been named Curug Cimahi, the site itself has been in Cisarua, Lembang in which has become part of the property of neighbors near the town of Cimah. These attractions have their own natural beauty, which where in the evening you can enjoy a breath-taking natural beauty which is very.

To be able to go to the location of the Curug Cimahi waterfall, you guys had to go through as much as 687 stairs to reach the tourist attractions. And if you've peaked you guys will be in beautiful nature near the very memukai and this will be a very entertaining holiday.

Sights the Curug Cimahi waterfall is perfect for a getaway in quite entertaining. Because of its natural beauty which is very quiet and keeps us and our ikiran load back fresh.

So to be able to get a holiday or tourist attractions spots for you and as well as cheap, you can visit the sights on this one. Because in these places you will be able to enjoy the natural landscape which is very entertaining.

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