5 Most Popular Tourist Attractions in Surabaya

One of the charms of attractions in Surabaya is you can gain a lot of knowledge of history. Surabaya has the nickname city of heroes, a term for when in a time of revolution of independence of Indonesia there has been heavy fighting between the people of Surabaya with a soldier of colonizer.

Surabaya's name itself was originally started in the Majapahit era, i.e. a reference to the geographic area where the myth of the local communities have been a great battle between Sura (shark) and Baya (crocodile) for recognition as the strongest animal, as has been predicted by Jayabaya.

Is commonplace if you will find many monuments and museums in one of the attractions of this popular East Java. Did you know, in Surabaya, you can pay a visit to the museum and his grave composer kebangsaaan Indonesia, WR. Supratman. Visit the Memorial is one of the other interesting activities in Surabaya.

The charm of attractions in Surabaya can also be found in a variety of gastronomic snacks. You can find the foods that tempt the taste buds in the city. Some among the culinary specialties of Surabaya, for example rujak uleg, nasi bebek, lontong balap, rawon, etc.

Surabaya currently has become a modern industrial city, the center of economy and business in East Java, as well as the central power of the armed forces of Indonesia's maritime. Surabaya is the second largest metropolitan city in Indonesia after Jakarta. Surabaya's tourist attractions are the unique part that enrich this city in a lot of its appeal.

In General, excursions to attractions in East Java were beginning first in Surabaya. For example, excursions to mount Bromo, or visiting the sights of Banyuwangi with landmark Ijen crater and the famous beach of Plengkung. The airport, port, and the bus terminal is an excellent tourism infrastructure of supporters there.

Attractions in Surabaya

Following are the 5 attractions in Suarabaya the most interesting to visit. You can visit many attractions in Surabaya more because there's more sights in Surabaya that you might like. Of all the sights of interest in the Surabaya, some of which are the following.

1. Heroes Monument

This is a monument to remember the courage of arek arek Suroboyo-against the Allied forces. 41.15 metre tall monument in the shape of lingam or nail it had reverse body arch shaped poles (Canalures) a total of 10 arches and is divided into 11 sections.

Height, internode, and canalures contains the meaning of 10 months 11 1945. This is the date of the occurrence of events of the heroic struggle for independence in Indonesia.

Tourist attractions in Surabaya in this one, you'll find 10 November Museum, a place that can unravel the many stories about the meaning of the Memorial as well as historical evidence on 10 November 1945 of yesteryear.

2. the four Face Buddha statue

This is the highest statue in Indonesia that have been recorded of MURI. You can find these Four Face Buddha statue in one corner of the coast Ria Kenjeran, Surabaya city on a beach known for its fishery products as well as Office, nongkrongnya of Surabaya.

The four Face Buddha statue building surrounded by 4 pillars, that cornerstones of green or gold. Consists of three sections, namely the stupas, statues of Buddha, and Buddha's throne. Buddha statue and throne each have a height of 9 meters.

It has similarities to the statue of Buddha is in the sights of Bangkok, which is made up of face facial health, peace and good relations, good luck, face and face protection against crime.

3. Red Bridge

Red Bridge is a historical witness of heroic battles on, November 10, 1945 in Surabaya.

History recorded, events Brigjend the violent clashes which occurred on Mallaby between fighters of Indonesia with the Netherlands Army near Red Bridge on October 30, 1945 was the main reason the Allied Commander issued an ultimatum in East Java on November 9, 1945 to the fighters of Indonesia in order to put the weapon. Rejection of the ultimatum by fighters allied to make United Kingdom Indonesia invaded Surabaya city the next day.

The area around this place in a residential and commercial area is for Europeans to the West, while the eastern part was a residential area for the Chinese, Malay and Arabic. The Red Bridge is currently the most densely populated Trade Center in Surabaya.

4. The Submarine Monument

This Submarine monument located in downtown Surabaya. Submarine monument is the original form of the KRI Pasopati 410, one of the submarines of the INDONESIAN unit of Navy-Submarine fleet of the Eastern Region of INDONESIA.

KRI Pasopati including type of SS type Whisky Class created in Vladi Russia in 1952, plays an active role in upholding the sovereignty of the State and the law of the sea, among others, in the Trikora operation.

The submarine has become one of the tourist attractions in Surabaya are attractive to tourists.

5. Ciputra Waterpark Surabaya

Ciputra Waterpark is the largest water tourist rides in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. It is located in West Surabaya, Ciputra Group companies in its Citraland.

You can find a variety of rides, for example Sirens River, the Marina Lagoon Pool, Chimera, Sinbad Playground, Roc Tower, and Syracuse Beach. Surabaya tourism this one opened to the public every Tuesday to Friday, starting at 14.00-19.00 pm. On the weekend and holidays, ranging from open 08.00-20.00.

One of the attractions in Surabaya is always crowded with tourists visit, and also has become a popular tourist choice in Surabaya.

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